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    If you are a member of SHRM National, there is no annual fee to join the Human Resource Association of Southern New Jersey if you designate HRA as your primary chapter.  If you choose not to designate HRA as your primary chapter and you are a SHRM National member, membership is $25/calendar year.

    If you are not a SHRM National member, you can join HRA for the low annual membership fee of only $55 for membership through Dec. 31, 2025. Just a few of them have been listed below:

    • Monthly Dinner Discount- As a member of the chapter, you will receive a discount of $10 on every dinner meeting that you attend.
    • PHR/SPHR Recertification Credits- Almost all dinner programs qualify for re-certification credits through the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI). These credits come in handy when it is time to recertify!
    • Seminar Discounts- As a member of the chapter, you will recteive discounted registration to our informational seminars.
    • Resource Library- All members have access to a resource lending library of videos, books and other publications to assist you in expanding your knowledge in human resources, management and benefits administration.
    • Legal Updates- Stay on top of pending legislation and industry legal developments through frequent updates at our monthly dinner meetings.
    • Wage & Benefit Survey- Members are invited to participate and receive an annual wage and benefit survey free of charge.
    • Notification of Job Opportunities- You will have access to a monthly listing of available positions in the profession.

    Click here to complete our online membership application and pay by PayPal or check.